Why can’t I access the Sign-up page?
Some product releases are restricted by brands to particular countries or cities and our Sign-up pages are then restricted by IP address to match that.
I see an error after the payment details page - how come?
1. ) At SNS, we have several security steps in place to reduce the risks of fraudulent purchases. A reason you may receive an error message after entering your payment details would be if potential fraud flags are raised surrounding your purchase. While there may be many factors behind these flags, it can happen if your billing address does not match that of your payment method (for instance, credit card) or your shipping address. You may also be interested in contacting your bank to check whether it properly allows for the authorization check to take place. This check is basically SNS verifying that we can bill your account/payment method in the future (if you win) but not actually charging you at the time.
2. ) An entry has already been made with details that have been associated with you. Either you have already entered, or someone who has been linked to you has already entered. You would only be linked to someone else if you have both used the same payment method previously.
I cannot get to the payment details page - what to do?
If you cannot get to the payment details page, please make sure you are not using autocomplete to enter your data.
The app keeps crashing for me, what should I do?
If you are experiencing issues with the app, please make sure that you have downloaded and are using the latest version. In certain unfortunate events, we might experience certain technical bugs that require updates. If you keep having these issues, please send us an e-mail via the contact form below and we will make sure to pass this information on to the app development team.
We're really sorry for any inconvenience and appreciate you reaching out to notify us about any issue.